8, 2012
By Saeed
the most vigorous yet most vulnerable office is that of the President of the
United States of America. The American Presidency is the most awesome of all
the presidencies in the world, because the president presides over the most
powerful country of the world which, of late, has also donned the mantle of a
sole super power. Yet paradoxically, American President is both weak and
A bill
in America becomes a law for implementation after the signatures of the
President. He can declare war against any country, start even star war, spur
space exploration and offer aid of any volume to any country. He is the
commander- in-chief of the armed forces. He is authorized to declare a country
as a friend or an enemy. American president can place any country under
embargoes and lift those already imposed.
American President is the chief custodian of the country’ interests. No lapse
in this regard is expected of him. Be it welfare of the people, the indigenous
prosperity, the defense, the resources, the agricultural production or the
scientific or the technological exploration: America reigns supreme.
strong economy, high per capita income and near invincibility in defense,
America wields unparalleled influence over the world. America dictates its
decisions that carry more weight and command more compliance than the United
Nations. So it is the one country equal to about 180 countries and still
heavier than them.
there are many checks and restraints on the functioning of the President, yet
despite this he unquestionably enjoys a vast array of powers. But the checks on
him primarily relate to his internal policies, upright behavior and moral
standards. By declaring war against any country in the name of security,
patriotism and national honor, he can rally the nation behind him. After all
Americans are as patriotic as others are.
But they
are more sensitive about their identity and security. For this reason American
citizens, cannot be prosecuted abroad for any crime or illegality. It is the
American government, which will take action against their own citizens, and not
the country on whose soil any minor or major crime is committed by an American
On the
other hand a national or citizen of any other country, whom US thinks should be
tried for criminal activities against American interests or security, will have
to be handed over to the US government. Such are the norms and patterns of the
disparities between mightier and the weaker nations.
American President is perennially sitting in a glass house being carefully and
closely watched for every move, action and decision that he takes and every
word that he utters. In American history four presidents were killed while
attempts on the lives of some others were made, the latest being President
Ronald Reagan.
American President is the most protected person yet occasionally he is exposed
to attacks. While the assassins of Abraham Lincoln was identified that of J.F.
Kennedy remains shrouded in mystery. Although an individual named Lee Oswald
was named as the shooter, yet before he could be put to a rigorous
investigation, he too was killed.
building where President Kennedy was killed is like a holy shrine, visited by
both Americans and foreigners in droves every day. The Elm Street has assumed
an historical significance and anyone who comes to Dallas must also visit the
J.F.K. Museum now set up in the same building from whose window Oswald fired at
President Kennedy.
already mentioned, the American Presidency is not a bed of roses but a thorny
throne, on which he has to sit with extreme care and vigilance. The moment he
vacillates, wavers, is inattentive, is forgetful, makes a mistake or resorts to
a slip of tongue, he is checked at once and then a sordid process of
incrimination, vilification, reprimands and censure starts.
It is
seldom that he can get out of such a tirade with flying colors. Multifarious
lobbies, including the special interest groups and the rival political party
are always on the look out to take to task an errant president and subject him
to severe probe and rigorous censure. In case of prosecution or enquiry, there
is no escape and no reprieve for a president. The judicial process takes its
own course and there is no easy way to get out of it unless one is proven not
As for
the choice of their President is concerned, the American people tend to be
idealist. Nothing short of an angle in the garb of a human is the prerequisite
of the people to be a President. This is the image that the Americans nurture
about their president, a faultless and flawless individual. The society may be
afflicted with serious moral lapses, but a president is supposed to be an icon
of virtues .He should be the paragon of all qualities that can be attributed to
a human being.
President’s past is thoroughly scanned and dug out to ensure that he did not
break the law and was not involved in major or minor crimes such as driving
under intoxication, tax evasion or concealing his actual income. Briefly an
American president ought to be a kind of Jesus Christ re-incarnate or an
embodiment of rectitude and absolute ethics.
This is
why every President during elections and after assuming the presidency remains
under the microscopic observation of the people. The people may still ignore
his minor human lapses that don’t impinge upon his performance in national
affairs. Yet the interest lobbies and
strong pressure groups that may still be antagonized for one reason or another
pounce upon him like birds of prey.
rest and recoil only when either the President is removed disgracefully or
surrenders before the interest lobbies or else makes compromises with his
antagonists. Invariably, there are reasons or motives behind the smear campaign
against a president, otherwise big holes in the moral fabric of a president are
sometimes ignored or concealed.
press and media is America is always ready to analyze and lay bare the personal
character of a president or merits and demerits of his policies. The American
press has its bias and slants for or against a president. Such a bias comes out
of the tilts either towards the Republican or the Democratic Party.
tendency of the press is healthy in a way that both sides investigate and
analyze threadbare the personality and policies of the high-ups including the
president. The panelists, analysts and commentators freely discuss and debate
with blistering critique against or for a person depending upon the sympathy or
inclination of a media person.
Once a
president is out of office or he is forced out of office, he falls into
oblivion. He is back to the status of an ordinary person who has to eke out his
living with pension or by taking up some job or assignment like business,
lecturing or teaching, a consultancy or at best writing his auto-biography. If
he is already a businessman, he may fall back upon his previous business
forgetting that he was once the occupant of a strikingly glorious and most
coveted status of the president of the mighty United States.
One may
occasionally peep into the life, health or other accounts of the former
presidents, although in their days of splendor, they were always on the front
pages of the newspapers or the prime topic of the discussions for the
electronic media. They won’t have time for interviews to the press. For
instance, of late and among living presidents, President Jimmy Carter is back
to his peanut business and Clinton is trotting the globe giving lectures.
Ronald Reagan (Republican), one of the successful presidents in whose tenure
the Soviet Union disintegrated, sustained on his pension, until his death. In
contrast, in the third world countries, the former heads of states, aristocrats
and bureaucrats, lead luxurious lives after their retirement because they amass
huge money through unfair means during their incumbency and stash it abroad.
who would fall from grace but had marveled during their stay in the Presidency
were among others, President Richard Nixon followed by President Bill Clinton.
These are the recent examples but otherwise every President had to suffer some sort
of disparagement, censure, pressure, scrutiny or a trial for mishaps or
mal-practices depending upon the nature of their follies. President Nixon‘s
Watergate Scandal initiated by the press was excessively publicized and grossly
blown out of proportion by Democrats.
Nixon (Republican Party) was one of the most outstanding and brilliant
presidents after the World War II. It was he who started the process of
retrieving US from the quagmire of Viet Nam war, which had deal serious
setbacks to the U.S. militarily. Despite the use of most advanced and
sophisticated weapons, the US had to finally negotiate for withdrawal .He was
the President who also opened dialogue and established link for the first time
with the hated China.
policy of appeasement and overtures for co-existence with communist China was
not liked by a fanatically anti-communist lobby in US. Moreover, with peace in
many parts of the world, how could the arms industry in America flourish? He
had to resign despite the fact that the evidence about his personal involvement
in the Watergate scandal was not stronger.
But some
strong moral ground and a high sounding pretext had to be made out to oust
President Nixon from the office and that too with humiliation. His misfortune
was that a journalist initiated the case of misconduct so the press community
on the whole turned against him. As such he received a biased and totally
negative publicity.
succeeding president Gerald Ford pardoned him and thus the campaign of diatribe
and character assassination against him came to an end. It is very seldom that
President Nixon, who rescued US’s prestige from complete sinking, was thus
removed from the political scene and forgotten .He is still not liked by most
of the Americans who think that he was a criminal and a crook.
What an
accountability but certainly it was tinged with ulterior motives! The nation
failed to distinguish between the good and the bad deeds of President Nixon.
There is no pardon in US
law for offenders. There is no second chance for the violators, no matter how
meritorious their past services would have been.
Let us
look at Bill Clinton’s case. President Clinton (Democratic Party) despite his
human and personal shortcomings and obsession for sex had been an outstanding
President .In his 8 years’ stint in the presidency; he gave a monumental fillip
to the U.S. economy. The surplus money in Clinton presidency ran into billions
of dollars. The jobs were plentiful; the industrial sector making great
strides, the business class was all delighted. The American people were and are
still fond of him.
perhaps somewhere there was an uncanny lobby which disapproved his Middle East
Peace Process. In the hindsight one would wonder to see the Late Israeli Prime
Minister Ralph Rabin standing by Yasser Arafat, the PLO chief and shaking hands
with him. President Clinton was there in between with a broad smile on his face
exuding his triumph and sense of achievement of a feat, which looked impossible
It was
an historic moment both for the Palestinians and the Israel to agree to co-habitat.
Immediately afterwards one of the signatories to the Oslo Accord( Sept. 1993),
Yitzhak Rabin was killed by an extremist Israel youth, while Clinton dragged
into an extremely embarrassing moral imbroglio which ended with a nerve
shattering investigation .For quite some time his fate hung in balance: to stay in that exalted office or disgracefully
impeached, he would have gone down in history as a condemned and immoral
person. He may have made compromises here and there but the whole episode
speaks for the ascendency and vibrancy of a civil and free society adored with
the hallmarks of strict accountability and unassailable system of checks and
The episode of Mona Lewinski although is the
episode of an average American, yet it was splashed beyond limits as it
involved a president. The nation weighed his purely private forays in sex with
his outstanding achievements in the national service making the former as the
only issue and overlooking his marvelous feats.
One of
his outstanding achievements was not only to rehabilitate the battered US
economy after the Middle East’s military adventure( Desert Storm) launched by
his predecessor President George H. W. Bush, but filling of the national
exchequer beyond expectations.
was one the most prosperous periods in the American history. The poignant
reason is that he opted for and worked for peace around the world. Jimmy Carter
and Ronald Reagan were involved with Russians in Afghanistan, while the senior
Bush’s main penchant was Middle East and to reverse the Iraq’s uncalled-for
invasion of Kuwait.
were chaotic and turbulent times as both the cold war and the hot war had
mingled with each other. But Clinton
remained away from such upheavals. G.W. Bush a successful governor but an
ambitious crusader against the terrorists with a knack to take snapshot decisions.
He embarked upon a calamitous course of wars, although it was not of his making
but born out of the unexpected and harrowing events of 9/11. During his
presidential tenure (2001-2009), he remained riveted on two wars: one in
Afghanistan and the other in Iraq.
His ruinous slogan of dividing the world “you
are with us or not with us,” kept the world in perpetual turmoil and
unremitting tension. His penchant for war mongering not only depleted the
coffers of American wealth but weakened the moral grandeur, the strident
integrity and sublime stature of the United States around the world. Internally
it brought about a colossal economic collapse that had rudely shaken every
household and business upside down.
the Republicans suffered defeat at the hands of a brilliant black democrat. The
American people gave their unprecedented historic verdict to Democratic Barack
Obama which speaks for the sparkling beauty, exquisite strength and glorious
spirit of American democratic culture. The American people are the real masters
and arbiters of America and their empowerment is derived from its adorable
democratic system.
With no
transparent policy or clear vision on the Middle East and with the murky
Afghanistan situation at hand, the U.S. economy sinks and buoys up in a pool of
uncertainties. In an unbridled and uncertain situation overshadowed by distant
wars, the economy moves backward and forward alternately. A leadership quality
called statesmanship is missing in US policy on the Middle East, which is to
bring peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
despite this pro-Israel partisanship, various American governments have not
been totally blind or unmindful of the ground realities in the Middle East.
They would occasionally talk sense and emphasize the necessity of peace via
negotiations between the inveterate adversaries. Nevertheless; the present
leadership has failed to bring about thaw and a meaningful breakthrough in the
stalemated crisis and to disengage the combatants.
The M.E.
plan of President Bush did not throw up a successful modus operandi for an end
to the deep bitterness and chronic hostility between Israel and the
Palestinians. It does not give the Palestinians what has been promised to them
in the Oslo accord.
spoils even the brightest chances of success .It is another matters if U.S.
wants to keep the inferno of the Middle East blazing. But if the intention is
to make peace then exhortations of any sort should be for both the sides and
outpourings of condemnation should not be exclusively heaped on one side only.
Similarly, the flames of war in Iraq and Afghanistan need to be doused and
withdrawal of American troops must be accomplished sooner than later.
America at
present has serious balance of payment problems. The costly wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan have brought American economy under unprecedented strain and
burgeoning pressures. The Iraq
war has not only eroded the concept of the invincibility of American military,
but gave it an image of an unprovoked aggressor. The wars in Iraq and for that
matter in Afghanistan did not have any moral or other legitimate justification
as to prompt President Bush and his cabal of war mongers triggering these
mindlessly and without exhausting diplomatic avenues.
world looks at these wars as a manifestation of neo-colonialism which may
contradict the American ideals of democracy freedom, equality, peace, respect
for territorial integrity of other countries and the norm of equal status of
all the members of the United Nations. If at all Iraq was involved in criminal
activities such as making of biological or chemical weapons, then it should
have been the combined headache of the entire world community and not that of
US alone. Yet later that pretext also proved to be fallacious and forged.
outgoing President G. W. Bush at the outset considered to be as one of the most
popular Presidents, finished as the most derided, failed and reviled president
of the United States. The history will pass a very harsh judgment on President
Bush for his grave wrong doings, involving this magnificent country in futile
wars, sullying its image and plunging it into the worst economic morass. But
once the chickens come home, the United States has the potential and resilience
to rebound once again as a formidable economic power, maintain its super power
status and its hallmark as an enviable welfare society.
Obama is neither rash nor temperamental or whimsical. He is a pacifist and
believes the efficacy of parleys and dialogue even with the worst enemies of
the United States. He looks sober which is just the opposite trait of G. W.
Bush who was in the habit of talking tough and was cast in a mould of
belligerent. At a critical and demoralizing juncture of American nation,
president Barrack Obama is the one who seems to be the right choice because of
his composure and professed sincerity and vivid action plans to restore America
its prestige and economic strength.
all these four heady years in office, he has been exposed to formidable and
poignant challenges that were bequeathed to him from the former administration.
Obama received a shipwrecked vessel to steer it to towards the safe shores. The
overhauling of the massive damage to American soci-economic fabric and its body
politic is a gigantic task that he is trying to address, to the best of
ability. This president is conscious of the arduous path he is treading.
He has
been cautious, cool, sagacious, discreet and absolutely focused on the vital
undertaking of damage control and crisis management. With his team he is
engaged in straightening the unwieldy state of affairs. But deep scars
inflicted by an erstwhile rash and irresponsible administration would not be
healed so soon.
The four
years of Obama’s first term may not be enough to bridal the galloping drift
that have deeply caved into the American society. He deserves and so does
America need, that he should return to the presidency for another four years to
bring to fruition his indispensible task of rebuilding America.